Friday 8 May 2015

Pawns of Porn

None of us watch it, but still India ranks 4th in porn viewership

Doors locked. Windows barred. Pillows set. Lights out. Alone. And the august company of a dimly lit computer screen.     
Solitude and internet form the porn addict’s survival kit.                                                                                And thus resumes another grueling session of single-handed browsing with the other one engaged in self abuse.                                                                                                                                                          
But this scene should not produce dread as it should not be an unfamiliar one. Porn in some form can be found lurking around most homes. Most wives and other family members either accept it, or chose to ignore it.

Case in point, close to 47.5 per cent of Indians log on to the porn website ‘Pornhub’ from their desktops, while 49.9 per cent use their mobile phones. After the US and UK, Pornhub's third highest Android traffic comes from India, while Indians make up the fifth highest number of daily visitors to the website. Most searched word on Google from India is “Porn.”
This is love for porn. And it is pandemic in urban India. Porn addiction especially among the urban youth in India has reached an extreme grotesque contour.   
A typicality of this addiction is its similar way of luring the prey into its clutches to that of the anathema tobacco, as I mentioned in an earlier article : Sleeping with the Enemy (

The above mentioned 47.5 % of Indians should know how it started. The Youth is most vulnerable to porn addiction. And that’s when porn gets its foot in the door. It then slowly but steadily enters your routine life. You soon start paying it a regular visit; hooked you are. Let alone quitting, you start hunting for more graphic porn. One website takes you to another in your quest of closure; closure for your earned fantasies and fetishes. Over a period of regularly absorbing porn, you start growing numb to the images you see. You can’t get the same high you need. So you stoop lower to porn that you found demeaning earlier; as a junkie needs a greater dose to achieve the same high. Coz you are now desensitized. Eventually, even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you anymore. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. You, my friend are addicted. No hint of the problem had raised its ugly head earlier, but now the damage is being done; just like any cancer. At this stage, most realize they have a problem, but porn has taken them over. And addiction by itself,

is one problem, with several attached.

Porn eats away at a man’s healthy sexual solace slowly, subtly and destructively. Sexually, his expectations and ideas become twisted. The women displayed in these acted-out scenes belong to a very narrow part of the wide spectrum of how real women look. How can anyone keep indulging in fantasies about these images engineered to lustful perfection and not begin to recede from his own wife? The line of difference between love and lust fade away. Porn has the dark potency to make a healthy sexuality in a marriage lose its lustre. It becomes a substitute for a healthy relationship of love and intimacy, albeit its emptiness. It gets one to believe in absurd possibilities; in the lack of consequences of having casual sex with anyone, anytime & anywhere. Porn teaches men to find it enjoyable to abuse women. It makes us acutely insensitive to making love.

But then, just as I had mentioned in , you are not to be completely blamed for hitting rock-bottom. Just like those tobacco companies which want to see you hooked, we have their equally diabolic counterparts; the porn companies. Your addiction is obviously great for their business. They work precisely to keep you coming back for more. Do you think they care about the havoc raised in your family, the dent made in your self-esteem, the desolation you have ended up in? The porn makers’ make their living when you are lured to their websites, stay there, and keep coming back again for more.

Porn has only one purpose, to bring profits to its makers. It is not made to educate, but only to sell. Therefore, with continued research about the male brain, these companies produce visually stimulating products to give you a quick and strong turn-on, which in turn brings you back craving for more. They spend billions in creating, advertising and marketing their products just to entrap you.
Having overcome our ignorance and naiveté about this sinister plot, it should no longer be astonishing that they succeed in their objective; more often than not.

Now mostly the porn viewing session, if uninterrupted, ends in masturbation and orgasm. This makes the porn-producers happier, not because you have now endorsed their product, but because orgasm releases chemicals that imprint this very process which was used to arrive to its end. If porn was the process, guess where would the naïve male viewer come again for his sexual release?
Porn arouses - that's what it's designed to do.  Porn is a lie. A sham.
Porn is War against Women.
Don’t get…Torn by Porn.
                                                                                                                                                                By Yogiraj Khanwelkar