Tuesday 27 September 2016

Malady of the Middle Finger

Freedom of expression is non-negotiable. But its misuse is clawing away at the fabric of our society.
Before the grip of the moment loosens itself off me, let me share of this morning's malady of the middle finger.
My objective of not leaving land for the seas has been to help others bring out their best potential from within, but evidently a bigger overhaul is warranted to help people push back their worst.
Just this morning, an elderly friend of mine was driving me to the other side of city. All those who leave their nest and join the morning traffic don’t really need a description of the traffic situation. Chaos. Every morning. And today was just another day.
So at the BMC circle off Law College road, traffic was as usual. Immense. Uncontrolled. Cars and bikes were threatening each other for space to squeeze themselves through. And just there, dead ahead of me, amidst this pandemonium had halted this student. On a black moped. Aged no more than 17. It doesn’t matter whether boy or girl. This is about basic humanity.
Now, the interesting part started when this seemingly urbane student just couldn’t fight the urge to type into a cellphone. As we were right behind this collegian, we thought of giving a moment. But the cars behind us couldn’t wait and I won’t blame them. So my friend honked. Once. This student didn’t seem to realize. Honker again. Longer. This student turned around and showed the middle finger. To a 40 year old lady. And left.
Now, situations happen. Tempers fly. The roads rage us all.
But a few things must be noted:
Although this elderly friend of mine driving doesn’t look 40, she definitely doesn’t look 17 either; to fit into this student’s peers so to be able to digest this incoherent slang.
This urge of mine should not whiff of moral policing. I have my own reservations when the two words are used together. But we cannot have anarchy gets its foot into the door an inch a day.
We can all dismiss this call to be too silly to warrant any attention, we can go back and stick our heads in the sand. But can anyone tell me why things won’t get worse?
I go to schools and colleges to try and motivate, but evidently a lot more is required. A lot more is required to simply uphold a sense of respect for fellow citizens.
The conscience of our ever-capable students must be gingerly woken up to the fact that sharp demeanours can blunt off even sharper potentials.
And I realize my own myopia. All this while, I have been trying to touch lives of individuals and small groups, without really opening my eyes to the bigger picture. And the truth on the streets seems to be a far cry from all the decorum that’s maintained in a closed auditorium across the stage. The landscape needs an overhaul.
A bit too much as flown out of unrestrained freedom. This Genie is evil. This Genie needs to get back into the bottle.